Social Media Policy

Social Media Policy

Social Media Policy

At THUMB TAC INDUSTRIES LLC, we know that online social platforms, including blogs, wikis, message boards, video and photo sharing websites, and social networking services, are constantly transforming the way we interact. We also recognize the importance of the Internet in shaping the public view of our company. The Company is committed to supporting your right to interact responsibly and knowledgeably on the Internet through blogging and interaction in social media. We want our clients and staff to share and learn from others in order to build a valuable online community.

The purpose of these guidelines is two-fold:

First, the Company has an aim to protect our interests, including, but not limited to, the privacy of our employees and confidentiality regarding our business purpose, plans, partners, users, and competitors. 

Second, these guidelines will help you make respectful and appropriate decisions about your work-related interactions with people on the Internet.

.- Use common sense.

- Follow the rules of the social media sites.

- Speak respectfully about the Company and our current and potential employees, clients, partners, and competitors.

- Write knowledgeably, accurately, and with appropriate professionalism. Despite disclaimers.

- Refrain from publishing anything that could reflect negatively on the Company's reputation or otherwise embarrass the organization, including posts about drug or alcohol abuse, profanity, off-color or sexual humor, and other inappropriate conduct. Do not use ethnic slurs, personal insults, obscenity, or engage in any conduct that would not otherwise be acceptable in the Company's workplace. Please also show respect for topics that may be considered objectionable or inflammatory.

- Honor the privacy rights of our current staff, members, and partners by seeking their permission before writing about or displaying internal company information that could be Media


Your Legal Liability considered a breach of privacy and confidentiality.

- Ensure that your social networking conduct is consistent with the all policies contained in the Company's Websites.

- Respect the law, including those laws governing defamation, discrimination, harassment, and copyright and fair use.

- Media inquiries for information about our company and our current and potential products, employees, partners, clients, and competitors should be referred to the HR.

This does not specifically include your opinions, writing, and interviews on topics aside from our company and our current and potential products, employees, partners, clients, and competitors.

- The Company complies with all federal and state laws that apply to our operations and activities. You are responsible for understanding and observing these policies.

Note that the breach of privacy and confidentiality, use of copyrighted materials, unfounded or derogatory statements, or misrepresentation may be considered illegal and is not accepted by the Company.

Each person or Client will be held personally responsible. You can be sued for not disclosing your relationship to the Company or for purposely spreading false information. You can also be sued by company employees, competitors, and any individual or company that views your commentary, content, or images as defamatory, pornographic, proprietary, harassing, libelous or creating a hostile work environment. In addition to any legal action, your activity can result in disciplinary action up to and including persecution in court.

 - If you have any questions, please ask the Legal Department for guidance on compliance with the laws.

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